Remixes from Moffou


Salif Keita:
Remixes from Moffou
Universal/Emarcy, 2004

Track titles:
1. Madan - Remixed by Gekko
2. Moussoulou - Remixed by Ark
3. Here - Remixed by Frédéric Galliano
4. Madan (Days of Holly Salif mix) - Remix by Tim Paris
5. Moussoulou - Remixed by Osunlade
6. Madan (No Traitorz remix) - Remixed by The Boldz
7. Yamore - Remixed by Luciano (L.Nicolet)
8. Souvent (hyper preacher mix) - Remixed by B Alone
9. Moussoulou - Remixed by Charles Webster
10. Ana Na Ming - Remixed by LA FUNK MOB
11. Here - Remixed by Doctor L