Frank Bessem's Musiques d'Afrique

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African Music Festivals
in Europe 2020

4 Festivals | Latest Update 1 January 2020

29 - 31 May 2020:
:: F :: The 45th Festival Musiques Métisses d'Angoulême in Angoulême, France.
29 May: Sona Jobarteh (Gambia);
30 May: Ayo (Nigeria);
Les Amazone d'Afrique (Panafrican);
31 May: Gaël Faye (France-Rwanda);
Djely Tapa (Mali)

30 May - 1 June 2020:
:: NL :: The 36th Music Meeting in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

24-26 July 2020:
:: F :: The 22nd Africajarc, in Cajarc (Lot), France

15-22 August 2020:
:: F :: The 13th Africa'Vic in Vic-sur-Cère (15), France (Auvergne).
Workshops, dance and percussion with Sellou'Art and Association Nawé (Nadège Sellou), accompanied by various artists. Final show.

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All information given on these pages might be subject to changes and we can take no responsibility for wrong information, mistakes, omissions or last minute changes in dates, programmed artists, venues etcetera!
Informations données sous réserve de modifications, nous ne sommes pas responsables des fausses informations, erreurs ou changements de programme à la dernière minute !
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African Festivals in Africa

Original page created September 1998
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