Aimé Buanga & Wenge Kumbela

Wenge Musica was formed in 1981 as a young outfit of modern soukous music. As with so many Congolese bands, various members left to create an off-shoot. Around 1990, Wenge Musica split between two factions, Wenge Musica BCBG and Wenge Musica El Paris, the Paris-wing, with singers Marie Paul Kambulu, Alain Mwanga and Aimé Buanga. The latter left El Paris, returned to Kinshasa and created a new band Wenge Kumbela.

A first album « Humanité » was recorded, with various guest singers such as Stino Mubi, Gloria Tukhadio, and both Congolese and Cameroonian session musicians (Nene Tchakou, Bobby Nguime). In 1997, a follow-up was released, « Engombi », an album that was quite successful in Kinshasa, with guests such as Kester Emeneya and again Nene Tchakou on guitar.

In 1998, a group album « Jugement dernier » was recorded in Europe, after the recording he lost some members of the band (solo guitarist Alvarito, singer Zakoko). Following albums were « Pièce rare » (2001) and « Vert Vert Toleka » (2003).

Aimé Buanga
Aimé Buanga  

• Musicians on the album "Engombi":
Bass Guitar: Aime Buanga
Guitar solo: Japonais Maladi, Nene Tchakou
Rhythm Guitar: Japonais Maladi, Sec Bidens
Keyboards: Eitel Meva'a, Nzenze
Vocals: Aime Buanga, Bogus Bompema, Jordan Kusa, Kester Emeneya
Vocals [Animation]: Dolce Parabolique Somono, Nono Manzanza

Formed: by Aimé Buanga as an off-shoot of Wenge Musica El Paris, around 1993
Style: Modern Congolese music, soukous

Title Year Label Remarks
Vert Vert Toleka 2003 Esselta ESS2031
Pièce rare 2001 Kiki Productions K1012
Jugement dernier 1998 JPS Production CDJPS 0018 Group album
Engombi 1997 Rigo Makengo Productions RMP 3002697 (for Clarys Music)
Humanité 1995 Blue Silver CD 50444-2 Aimé Buanga & le Groupe Soukous Koumbela

Page added January 2003
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